2005-2007, 7min, 16mm, color
A surreal dream where subconscious automatons swim and communicate in and around a swimming pool, somewhere in history, memory or imagination. The film examines perceptions of Asian identity through cinematic space and the return gaze. The actors in the film appear and reappear as interchangeable entities - this play on perception comments on the ways in which Asian faces are perceived by non-Asians. The film's title refers to the reductionist concept of skin color, but is also the name of a color that is wholly absent from the film, which instead is awash in the blue, yellow's opposite.
Click here to view clip
Souvenirs from Earth International TV Project, Cologne Germany, 2008
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia PA, 2007
40th Humboldt Film Festival, Arcata CA, 2007
Drexel University TV, Philadelphia PA, 2007
James River Film Festival, Richmond VA, 2006 (Merit Award Winner)
Festival Images Contre Nature, Marseille France, 2006
Mediating Practices Visual Anthropology Conference, Philadelphia PA, 2006
University Film & Video Conference, Chapman University, Orange CA, 2006
Philebrity Weekend, Philadelphia PA, (older version) 2005
Diamond Screen Festival, Philadelphia PA, (older version) 2005
Philadelphia Film Festival, Philadelphia PA, (older version as “De(ux) Baguettes a Hanoi”) 2005
Course Syllabi:
Anthropological Film, Prof. Gordon T. Gray, PhD, Temple University, 2006
Experimental Film, Lecturers Taku Kaskela & Shelley Barry, Dept of Film & TV
Wits School of the Arts, Johannesburg South Africa, 2007
Yellow Loop (2007, 3 min, 16mm film, color)
A loop version of Yellow selected for distribution by Graw Böckler GBR, Cologne, Germany.
Distributed on the DVD loop pool on ice part of the loop pool project exhibited by Raum für Projektion
in Kaiserslautern Germany, Bergen Norway, Olso Norway, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Also distributed to International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Oberhausen Germany, 2007